Why You Should Schedule Back-to-school Eye Exams For Your Kids

Most of the learning that children do is through observation. It means that having a good vision is essential for a child attending school. Research shows a strong link between visual ability and academic performance. According to experts, your child should start seeing an eye doctor at about six months. It would be best if you took them for regular eye exams, especially in their school years. 


Ophthalmologists recommend back-to-school eye exams every year. One main reason is that a child’s eyes are constantly growing and developing. To ensure they are in peak visual health, you must be proactive as a parent.


So, why should you take your child to back-to-school eye exams?



Children Are Usually Not Aware If They Have Vision Problems



Some parents may reason that if their child has issues with their vision, the child will let them know. However, most children would not know if they have vision issues. They would likely assume that the way they see is the same way everyone else sees. According to a study, one in four children in school has an undetected visual issue. 


Because of this, it is advisable to take your child to an eye doctor regularly. The eye doctor has the skills to determine if your child has any visual issues that may affect them academically.



Vision Issues Develop During Childhood



Many vision issues develop when we are growing up. One of these problems is myopia or nearsightedness. It is a refractive error that affects the ability to see distant objects while close-up vision remains. Myopia can impact your child’s education because they will have difficulty seeing the classroom board. They may also have issues with playing some games, which will affect their social life. 


An annual examination can help determine if any vision issues are developing. If they are developing, it will help decide if they need prescriptive eyewear.



Management of Visual Problems



Eye doctors can institute management protocols for some visual issues. Management protocols help slow down the development of some of these visual issues. One of these is myopia, which worsens as a child grows. Eye doctors can help manage myopia through several interventions, which can slow it down significantly. 



Another visual issue that eye doctors can help manage is amblyopia or lazy eye. Getting the proper treatment early enough means your child can have normal vision growing up. Ophthalmologists can completely reverse amblyopia through vision therapy.



Blue Light Can Cause Vision Issues



These days, kids spend so much time in front of screens. You will find that they will also spend significant time in front of a screen at school. Extended exposure to digital screens can cause eye conditions and other symptoms. These can affect the quality of life of your child. An eye doctor can spot the symptoms caused by blue light and can recommend blue light blockers. 



Checking on Vision Skills



As a child grows up, they need to develop specific visual skills to ensure a good life. Some of the visual skills that an eye doctor may test are eye coordination, eye teaming, and focusing. Depending on the results of the tests, the eye doctor can recommend activities to help improve your child’s visual skills.


For more on why you should schedule back-to-school eye exams for your kids, visit Hunter Family Vision at our office in Leawood or Prairie Village, Kansas. Call (913) 681-8555 or (913) 381-2323 to book an appointment today.

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