Medical emergencies can happen anywhere at any time, and they can affect any area of the body. Vision is arguably the most important sense, and it is vital to protect it. Eye injuries can cause discomfort and lead to long-term eye problems or even blindness.
Good eyesight helps facilitate everything that you do daily. It can also help keep you safe from danger. When an eye emergency occurs, go for immediate care. Here are some common types of eye emergencies.
If an object becomes lodged in the eye, that qualifies as an emergency. Everyone will get something in the eye at some point. It could be dirt, an eyelash, a tiny bug, or any other small object. You can resolve this by blinking, a quick rub, or washing out the eye.
Much bigger trouble sets in when the object in the eye is difficult to dislodge. If something sharp, like a glass shard, becomes lodged in the eye, you should not attempt to remove it yourself. You may end up doing more damage. Use a paper cup to cover the eye and visit the emergency room.
Experiencing chemical burns in the eyes calls for emergency care. The substance may be transferred to the eyes directly or indirectly through rubbing the eyes. Chlorine, hair products, cleaning products, paint, industrial chemicals, and other products can result in chemical burns.
Chemical burns occur when the products encounter delicate eye tissue. Emergency care can help prevent permanent vision damage.
Several things can cause the eyes to become red or pink. The redness can affect the sclera, or white part of the eye, the conjunctiva, or the skin around the eyes. The blood vessels in the inner eyelids or conjunctiva can become dilated, causing redness.
Redness can be due to conjunctivitis, impact injury, and infections. It is paramount to get emergency care if one or both of your eyes are red. Red eyes can be a symptom of vision-threatening acute glaucoma.
Experiencing sudden changes to the vision can constitute an eye emergency. Vision changes are common symptoms of different eye or vision problems, which may not necessarily be an emergency.
When the change happens suddenly, you need to visit the eye doctor immediately. The vision may become blurred or have floaters, flashes, or double vision. Sudden eye pain and severe headache call for emergency treatment.
Most eye traumas occur due to sporting, work-related, or gardening injuries. The trauma can result from foreign objects getting into the eye. It can also be due to blunt force trauma, like when a ball or bat hits someone.
The injury can cause rupture, penetration, or perforation of the eye. Immediate surgical intervention may be necessary to save the vision or eye. Sudden vision loss and a swollen eyelid are other eye emergencies.
For more on the common types of eye emergencies, contact Hunter Family Vision at our office in Leawood or Prairie Village, Kansas. You can call (913) 681-8555 or (913) 381-2323 today to schedule an appointment. For urgent care after hours, call (913) 204-0239.